Welcome Jack to our Lab

Welcome Jack to our lab! Jack is a senior at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, majoring in Geography and Geographic Information Science, with a minor in Japanese Arts and Aesthetics. His research interests include agriculture remote sensing, environmental remote sensing, and GIS in transportation and public health.

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CropSow: an integrative remotely sensed crop modeling framework for field-level crop planting date estimation

We developed a novel CropSow modeling framework to estimate field-level planting dates by integrating the remote sensing phenological detecting method with the crop growth model. The remote sensing phenological detecting method is devised to retrieve the critical crop phenological metrics of farm fields from remote sensing time series, which are then integrated into the crop […]

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Prof. Diao received the Early/Mid-Career Research Award from UCGIS

Prof. Diao received the 2023 Early/Mid-Career Research Award from UCGIS (https://www.ucgis.org/chunyuan-diao-early-mid-research-award). The UCGIS Early-Mid Career Research Award is to celebrate an outstanding early-mid career research record of innovative ideas or methods that lead to research impacts on the theory and/or practice of GIScience or geographic information technology.

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