Zhijie Joins our Lab in Summer 2023

Welcome Zhijie to our lab! Zhijie received his Master degree in Environmental Policy from Duke Kunshan University / Duke University. Zhijie joined our lab this summer, with research interests of remote sensing in land use/land cover applications and policy/program evaluation.

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Zijun received the Planet fellowship

Zijun in our lab has been awarded a Planet fellowship for his project “Near real-time crop yield forecasting for assessing the effects of excessive precipitation at field level”. The Planet fellowship is awarded through a collaboration between Planet Labs and the Taylor Geospatial Institute (TGI). The goal of the fellowship program is to support the […]

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Yilun received the NASA FINESST fellowship

Yilun in our lab has been awarded a Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST) fellowship for her project “Evaluating the Influence of Biocontrol Program on the Colorado River Biodiversity with Multi-Source Time Series Imagery.” Congratulations!!

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Near-Surface and High-Resolution Satellite Time Series for Detecting Crop Phenology

We have systematically assessed near-surface PhenoCams and high-resolution PlanetScope time series in reconciling sensor- and ground-based crop phenological characterizations. With two critical crop stages (i.e., crop emergence and maturity stages) as an example, we retrieved diverse phenological characteristics from both PhenoCam and PlanetScope imagery for a range of agricultural sites across the United States. The […]

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