We are always looking for highly motivated and passionate students to join our lab! If you are interested in joining us, please email Dr. Chunyuan Diao, with your CV and a statement of research experience and interests. Financial support from graduate fellowships, research, and teaching assistantships is available to qualified students.
Research in our lab is inherently interdisciplinary. We welcome students of diverse backgrounds, including but not limited to, remote sensing, geography, computer science, statistics, ecology, environmental science, and crop science.
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) is among the global most distinguished teaching and research institutions. The Department of Geography and GIScience at the UIUC is at the forefront of remote sensing and GIScience research and education. The department is part of the School of Earth, Society & Environment (SESE), which includes three departments (Geography and GIScience; Geology; and Atmospheric Sciences). SESE hosts its own high-performance computing cluster and supports a multidisciplinary program in geospatial and environmental studies. The National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the UIUC provides cutting-edge computing, data storage, and visualization resources. Students working in the lab have excellent opportunities to work in high-performance and cloud computing environments to advance remote sensing and related science.
Information for applying to the Department of Geography and GIScience can be found here: https://ggis.illinois.edu/academics/graduate/apply.
Contact information:
Dr. Chunyuan Diao
Department of Geography and GIScience
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2034 Natural History Building
1301 W Green Street
Urbana, IL 61801
Email: chunyuan at illinois.edu