Prof. Diao receives NSF CAREER Award

Prof. Diao has been awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) Award for her project entitled “CAREER: Scalable Remote Sensing Computational Framework for Near-real-time Crop Characterization.” The CAREER Award is highly competitive and indicates a faculty member’s potential to serve as an academic role model in research and education.

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Bringing more data to crop forecasting

We have a new USDA project, in collaboration with Dr. Shaowen Wang, to conduct intelligent field-level crop type mapping, crop phenology and condition retrieval, crop yield estimation, and forecasting at varying spatial and temporal scales. See more info:  

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Tianci and Yin Join our Lab in Fall 2021

Welcome Tianci and Yin to our lab! Tianci received her Master degree in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing from Wuhan University, and Yin received his Master degree in Environment and Sustainability & Data Science from the University of Michigan. They joined our lab this fall, with research interests of remote sensing and machine learning in agricultural […]

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